Build the Project

Once you have created a project and configured the esp target and serial port, you can build the project by clicking on build_icon in the toolbar.

However, below steps will guide you through the process of building the project if you are new to the IDE:

  1. Select a project from the Project Explorer.

  2. Select Run from the first dropdown, which is called Launch Mode.

  3. Select your application from the second dropdown, which is called Launch Configuration (Auto-detected).

  4. Select a target from the third dropdown, for example, esp32, which is called Launch Target.

  5. Now click on the Build button build_icon to start the build process.


Custom Build Directory

The IDE allows configuring a custom build directory for the project:

  1. Select a project and click on the Edit button for the launch configuration in the top toolbar to open the Edit Configuration window.

  2. Navigate to the Build Settings tab.

  3. In the Additional CMake Arguments section, provide a custom build directory by adding arguments -B <custom build path> with an absolute path. The customized build directory path can be within the project or in any other location in the file system. For example: -B /Users/myUser/esp/generated.

  4. Click on Ok and build the project.


This configuration changes where all the project build artifacts will be generated.

Custom Build Directory Configuration