Remote Control Transceiver (RMT)


What can the RMT peripheral on ESP chips be used for in practical?

  • For applications of RMT, please refer to RMT application examples. It can be used for infrared remote control, LED strip lighting, D-shot motor control, and so on.

How to change the clock to REF_TICK in RMT?

CHIP: ESP32 | ESP32-S2 | ESP32-C3

By using the rmt_set_source_clk interface.

When ESP32 RMT controls the WS2812 light strip with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth enabled, there are some data frame exceptions. How to solve the issue?

  • This problem is difficult to solve on non-ESP32-S3 chips, because the RMT lighting up LED (especially when many LEDs) rely heavily on interrupts, and does not support DMA, thus requiring software to switch ping-pong buffer in the interrupt. If the interrupt does not respond in time, there will be a problem. By default (one memory block is set), after lighting up two LEDs, the RMT driver will go into the interrupt to switch the internal ping-pong buffer.

  • Workaround:

    • For esp-idf release/v4.4 and earlier versions, increase mem_block_num. There is a change in release/v5.0. Please see Breaking Changes in Usage

    • Install the RMT interrupts on a specific CPU core by calling the driver install function in a pin-to-core task, thus avoiding the core used by Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

    • You can also use SPI DMA as an alternative to RMT to solve this issue. For more details, please refer to the SPI DMA LED strip example.

  • If you are in the product selection stage, it is recommended to use ESP32-S3 RMT.

How can I quickly adapt other infrared protocols based on the IR NEC example in ESP-IDF?

  • You can accelerate the adaptation of other infrared protocols based on the IR NEC example by using the RMT Encoder.

  • If you need the infrared learning function, you can use the ir_learn component.

ESP32-S3 RMT supports configuring 4 RMT RX/TX channels. Why does it fail when creating more than 2 RMT TX channels in a row using rmt_new_tx_channel?

  • This is because the mem_block_symbols parameter configured in the tx_chan_config structure is too large. On ESP32-S3, the size of each dedicated memory block for RMT is 48 bytes. If the mem_block_symbols parameter exceeds 48, creating a TX channel will actually occupy the memory block of the next adjacent channel as well. Therefore, if you want to create and use 4 RMT RX/TX channels simultaneously, the mem_block_symbols parameter should not exceed 48.

  • Please note that the size of each dedicated memory block for RMT on ESP32 is 64 bytes.

Can ESP32-S3 RMT achieve synchronized output for multiple TX channels?

  • Yes, please refer to the following code snippet:

rmt_channel_handle_t tx_channels[TEST_RMT_CHANS];
rmt_sync_manager_handle_t synchro = NULL;
rmt_sync_manager_config_t synchro_config = {
  .tx_channel_array = tx_channels,
  .array_size = TEST_RMT_CHANS,
rmt_new_sync_manager(&synchro_config, &synchro);
for (int i = 0; i < TEST_RMT_CHANS; i++) {
  rmt_transmit(tx_channels[i], led_strip_encoders[i], leds_grb, TEST_LED_NUM * 3, &transmit_config);

How can I achieve cyclic data transmission using the RMT TX channel on ESP32-S3, such as an infinite loop?

  • You can realize infinite loop transmission by setting the rmt_transmit_config_t::loop_count to -1. For more details, please refer to Initiate TX Transaction

Does the ESP32-S3 support One-Wire?

Can the rmt_transmit function be used in an interrupt?

No, the rmt_transmit function can only be called in a task environment, not in an interrupt.