LSP C/C++ Editor

Starting with Espressif IDE 3.0.0, the LSP Editor is the default code editor, which differs in several ways from the previous default editor. Below are the most notable differences:


To customize formatting, open the .clang-format file located in your project. By default, the file contains the following content:

BasedOnStyle: LLVM
UseTab: Always
IndentWidth: 4
TabWidth: 4
PackConstructorInitializers: NextLineOnly
BreakConstructorInitializers: AfterColon
IndentAccessModifiers: false
AccessModifierOffset: -4

You can also disable formatting for specific folders by using the DisableFormat: true option. For example, if you want to disable formatting for the managed_components folder in a project structured like this:

 ├── managed_components
 │       └── .clang-format
 ├── main
 └── .clang-format

Add the DisableFormat: true option to the .clang-format file in the managed_components folder. This flag tells ClangFormat to completely ignore this specific .clang-format file and its formatting rules within the managed_components directory.

For more information about available style options, refer to the Clang-Format Style Options guide.

Inlay Hints

The LSP Editor has inlay hints enabled by default. If you prefer not to use them, you can disable this feature by editing the .clangd file:

  CompilationDatabase: build
    - -m*
    - -f*

  Enabled: No

Searching ESP-IDF Components

To browse ESP-IDF components, follow these steps:

  • Create a new project.

  • Add the ESP-IDF components folder as a virtual folder to the newly created project.

  • Press Ctrl + Shift + T or Ctrl + Shift + R.

  • You should now be able to browse the ESP-IDF component files.

  • To search for a specific function or keyword, use the Search menu in the toolbar.

Creating a Virtual Folder

  • Navigate to New > Folder.

  • Click on Advanced.

  • Select Link to alternate Location (Linked Folder).

  • Click Browse and select the ESP-IDF components folder.

It is recommended to always create a new project instead of modifying your current one to avoid unnecessary Git files and error markers created by the indexer for the components folder. Since both projects will be in the same workspace, you should be able to search anywhere within your workspace.

If you have any issues with the Clangd Configuration with the LSP Editor, please refer to the Clangd Configuration guide.