Partition Table Editor
Click menu View > Command Palette…
Type ESP-IDF: SDK Configuration Editor and select the command.

Search for
and selectCustom Partition Table CSV
from Partition Table and set the filename. It will search this file in your current project directory.

If the partition table file doesn’t exists, when you execute the command the file will be created. But if the partition table file already exists, make sure that the first two lines of the partion table CSV file are:
# ESP-IDF Partition Table
# Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flag
Once partition table editor is open, you can edit the partition table as desired. For more information please refer to ESP-IDF Partition Tables documentation.

Once you are satisfied press
to save the changes,this will override the content of CSV file
.Now you can click the
Select Flash Method
right top buttons in order to build and flash the partition table to the chip.